in line with your passions
...and your desire for sport

immerse yourself in a wide-ranging
...product catalog

energy with supplements and accessories
... for the right pump

protects your moments
... of freedom in any area

Passion for Sports
We are an Italian manufacturing company which dedicates its production to first aid equipment as well as to the wellness of professional and amateur athletes and sportspeople.
Our story starts in 1981 with the creativity and originality of Gian Aldo de Pieri, a sportsman at heart and in spirit, who intuitively sensed the importance
of setting up a company to help prevent traumas and meet the needs of athletes besides providing a wide range of products for physiotherapists.
The choice of products was initially limited to three and as time went by we broadened it to include the
700 articles which we currently offer. These range from the cold line with cold spray, instant cold packs, and re-usable gel pads to creams and oils for pre- and post-competition massage, functional bandages, kinetik taping (neuromuscular bandage), taping wraps, hold-alls and bags for transportation of these products in the field or during trips, prevention supports made of fabric or of technical materials, mineral salts, sport accessories and defibrillators.
All this represents a complete and reliable line of great innovativeness which makes use of top quality raw material. Phyto Performance was the first company in the field of sport to obtain certification and since 1998.
The company is highly valued and recognized everywhere for its quality and professionalism and our products are available from the best sport shops all over Italy as well as from pharmacies, sanitary shops and in more than 50 foreign countries. Besides producing articles with the company’s own brand, Phyto Performance has also dedicated a division to the production of items with trademarks provided by clients, whether they be a shop, a pharmaceutical company, an International chain of shops or department stores.
The personal commitment of Gian Aldo de Pieri as well as the close collaboration offered by the family constitute the driving force of Phyto Performance.
E.Fermi, 9
35030 VEGGIANO (Padova) - Italia
Tel +39 0499001919
Fax +39 0499002668
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C.F e P.IVA IT00989110283
Iscritta al Registro Imprese
di Padova (PD) al n. 00989110283
Numero REA: PD-167424
Capitale Sociale Euro 52.000,00 interamente versato.